Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Philippians 4:13

I found my notes on patience but I’ve been too bleary-eyed to organize them and type them up for the blog.
Yesterday was Monday and you know what that means---I had a verse to meditate on. Did you?
  • I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)
This verse was a good reminder as I felt the fatigue of the first day back at work compounded by the news that Mommar’s remaining sister, Liz, had died. She’s older than Mommar. She has been suffering with Alzheimer’s the last 2+ years. Though everyone thought Mommar wouldn’t remember seeing her sister last week, she told me detail by detail of her visit to see Liz. Her final comment was, “I hope I never get that way. She didn’t even know who I was.” That is my hope as well. But I also trust that He, as the old hymn says, will give “strength for today and great hope for tomorrow,” if that is indeed the way she progresses.