Monday, June 15, 2015

Dance Step "D"

Book: When Wallflowers Dance: Becoming a Woman of Righteous Confidence
Author: Angela Thomas
A springboard for "Dancing with the Lord" discussions. 
There is….a time to dance….Ecclesiastes 3:1,4 (NKJV)
When the stresses of life have you not knowing which way to turn....turn to the Lord and ask Him to lead you through this "new to you" life dance.
Lesson #1 w/ insights from the foreword and the afterword

Dance Lesson --D
D ecide (Joshua 24:14) Delve (Psalm 119:169) & Discover  (Psalm 119:130) 
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  • Step #1---Decide you want a life of abunDANCE. Turn to the Lord as your dance partner.
  • Step #2---Delve---dig to discover the truth that is available about your struggle or hard place. Determine that the Lord has you there for a reason or season, as Robert Morgan teaches in his diminutive book, Red Sea Rules. Rule #2 states, " Be more concerned for God's glory than for your relief."
  • Step #3---Discover what God' Word says about your hard place----fear, (Isaiah 41:13) disease/poor health, (Psalm 73:26) disappointment, hurts, or rejection (Psalm 55:12-13) Consider word searching for abide, trust, sustain, belief, hope, refuge, protection, salvation, .
Remember godly living, aka "life of abundDANCE,"  is possible even during_________________(fill in your own difficult time or struggle) as your "dance" will be unique.

Allow the Lord to turn your mourning into gladness in the midst of your struggle----that you might "dance" with HIm. (Psalm 30:11)