Wednesday, August 22, 2018


What is a warrior? Warriors in the faith come along side each other to encourage and build one another up. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Maybe being a warrior entails pushing that wheelchair so that she can sit outside the "facility" for the first time since July 2.
Warriors are there day and night, either physically or spiritually or sometimes both.
Warriors are the watchmen, appointed by God, to pray day and night and to take no rest for themselves & continually cry out to God until God makes wherever his people minister a praise in the earth (Isaiah 62:6-7), ie a place of sanctuary, a happy place, of sorts.
With dear high school, Winslow, the call to be her warrior has brought us all together again on her behalf.
Since we love one another as God has loved us (John 13:34), and are called to prayer, fellowship & breaking bread together, even if it was benedictine on a cracker,  (Acts 1:14 & Acts 2:42).  There was "light" from the fellowship (1 John 1:7), & speaking aloud in psalms & hymns, making melody with with our heart unto the Lord, in oneness inside room 111.

From ICU to rehab to the hospital and back again there has been a cadre of folks, armed with "Winslow Will Win" purple bracelets ready to pitch in on her behalf!!! Note Dotsy's right wrist.

Now you know what a warrior is in the deepest sense of the words. Among believers, it's the ones who stand on your side---lift you when your down, kneel in prayer when you can't, and some times "bust you out" of a "facility" so that you can see the outside world again and even do a little shopping!!!
What a thrill to end the day encircling her chair, holding hands and praising the Lord who had "strengthened (Winslow's) weak hands" and answered prayers from "His Word which help the tottering to stand and to have strengthened her feeble (left) knee." Job 4:4)

1 comment:

  1. I continue to read your blog. I'm so glad you wrote about Winslow.
