Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Digital Destiny

The way we communicate with others seems to be changing---even with family and friends. There seems to be a "need" to be plugged in or connected virtually, even while you are sitting with others.
Text messaging sometimes seems preferred over face to face conversations.
We've all seen it---the cartoon of two at a table together----heads buried in their iPhones  The joke caption implies they are texting each other. 
Recently, as I headed out the door, I got a mouthful of yummy Dove chocolate before I got an eyeful of wisdom. It was a great reminder to detox from the digital device for some one-on-one time with a friend.
Leave your phone behind. Revive the art of conversation.
It carried over to "dinnertime" when dining with several friends at TOPH. 
Same message. Different messenger. 
Our "trip hostess" asked that we all put our phones down, except for our "trip" photographer. How grateful I am for her wisdom. Her courteous reminder. 

2nd reminder of the day----we control our digital destinies in our relationships.....

.......Not giving up meeting together (maybe just giving up the device for a while)....encouraging one another....toward love and good deeds. (Hebrews 10:25, 24)

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