Tuesday, February 15, 2011


2/15/11 Literati----Love the sound of that word. Heard it just recently as the correct answer to the “final Jeopardy” question. A hint embedded in the question was the opposing reference to those in pop culture whose opinions are seemingly valued more than those of the well read/learned. That would be the glitterati ----those famed celebrities and social elites on whom we bestow intelligence and legitimacy whether they have a clue or not. How sad that the words of the glitterati speak loudest in our world today.

It’s as if fame and fortune give one the credentials for dogmatically explaining everything from foreign affairs to religion. Don’t get me wrong, we all have a right to our opinions but that’s what they are, “our opinions.” We don’t have to buy into what the glitterati say or their chosen lifestyles of overindulgence just because they make it big at the box office or on the sports circuit. A student told me that she watches the news everyday a 3 p.m. to keep abreast of what’s happening. When I asked her which program, thinking CNN or Fox, she said, “Oh no, I watch “Inside Edition.” They had Lindsay Lohan’s latest court appearance and you should have seen Lady Gaga’s outfit.” ---or lack there of, came to my mind. Oh my. You get the idea.

Impressionable young minds building their ideas on TV feeds. I would like to fill their minds with everlasting truth. I would like for them to consider ideas and lifestyles that are “true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report” (Phil. 4:8) and “think on these things.” I would like their iPad RSS feeds to stream from God’s word.

Of course, that’s just my opinion, what’s yours?

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, Dotsy. May the Truth set them free...

    How is Ian doing? Still praying for him.

    In His mighty love,
    Carolyn O'
