Friday, July 5, 2024


My friends are little lamps to me; their radiance warms and cheers my ways.(Rainbows The Book of Hope, 1946 p.47)

Page edges may be a bit yellowed (paper oxidation) as friendships have multiplied & some have died but the sentiments have been there since the 4th grade at Morningside Elementary's Book Fair when I chose this book of poetry with spiritual leanings. (Thank you, Alice Munday)

Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.”  Proverbs 27:9

Thursday, July 4, 2024

I can't think of a better birthday present for, America, 
than for this prayer to be lifted as people return to the LORD!!
Happy 4th of July💖

*Thx Kathie G. for this patriotic pic!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Sometimes it's in the depth of our suffering that we can truly find the light of the One who is the light. Lately, it's been seeing the deep suffering of dear ones that has stolen my joy. Severe mercy can be difficult to witness. 

SNIPPETS of joy that have come to mind..........
  • Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.
  • Surrender and trust.
  • Use fertilizer on my joyful heart, NOT round up.
  • Give up performance-based living and people pleasing.
  • After repentance comes refreshment.
  • Refresh my spirit O Lord & renew my joy as I serve others!
"There ain't nothing gonna still my joy."'s the right choice.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Yesterday's temps allowed for a bit of time enjoying sitting outside! Along with the lower temps and bit of a breeze, I "took in" the beauty of the gooseneck and the Tiger Swallowtail by my weathered fence.
It was a much needed time of being still. But God allowed it to become more than that. More than "beholding" creation, my heart began to "behold the Creator." "Beholding we become," as author Jackie Perry writes. 
If our hearts are beholding Christ, Christ will be mirrored and manifested on our hearts. (holier than thou, p. 149)
Think reflection. Our lives reflect what we behold. We live it out.
John Piper's book title, Seeing and Savoring, says much.....not just about the beauty I was beholding from God's creation but the Scripture I was led to which reminded me that I need to enjoy the Creator above all else, even his creation/creatures! (Romans 1:25, NLT)

Yesterday I was able to enjoy both in the correct order.