Tuesday, February 16, 2016

WAIT---WEIGHT another "spiritual" grammar lesson

Homophones, a type of homonym, sound the same but differ in meaning and spelling.

Jenni W's lessons on "Praying in the Waiting Room" spoke volumes to me as I began to understand the importance of a "shift in thinking."

Waiting rooms mostly have a bad connotation, unless it's an OB floor where loved ones are awaiting a new little "bundle of joy." Yet, there is a sweetness that comes from lessons learned in God's waiting room. I am grateful for the spiritual aspect of these grammar lessons the Lord has for me. 
Wait to weight was an important "homophone" lesson for me. A lesson in shifting. Shifting my weight to His strength. Waiting can be burdensome. Hard to carry alone.
As I wait on the Lord, I need to shift my weight as I lean on Him. Leaning on anything else---my own understanding or planning, draws me away from God. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Shifting---A lesson of rest for my soul and rest for my restless mind. (Matthew 11:28-30) 

Trusting in anything apart from God has me in my own stead.....and I am no substitute for God!
Give Him the weight of your (my) burdens as we (I) wait for answers.

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