Monday, June 2, 2014


When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul. (Psalm 94:19, NASB)
Insomnia seems to "reign" lately---at least on my side of the bed. So....whether I am awakened by an extreme warmth (aka a flash) or an "urge" which has me trekking to the loo. (aka the toilet) It's during these early am awake times that worry seems to reset my metabolism from the calm I desire in sleep to the racing of whirring thoughts. If our minds have a metabolism, anxious thoughts upstart mine toward mach speed during the night watches. Obviously, the Psalm 94:19 verse is a "go-to" verse for me as I have embedded it in 4 previous blogs.* But today, it's front and center!

The question asked by hubby prior to bedtime came to the forefront of my mind.....and sleep eluded me for another couple of hours.
"Why do you have to blog every day? Maybe when you go on your girls' trip you could blog that you're taking off for a few days."
In recent years, I have never sensed such a "daily" compulsion. Would it be acceptable to no longer adhere to this semblance of a commitment? But God.....Isn't my love for Him the compelling factor? If not, then why am I doing it?

Struggling to crawl out of bed to be on time for an 8:30 appointment, I had doubts. No middle of the night blog ideas came. No "tea" words on the edges of my mind. No energy for the day seemed evident and that was even without factoring in a blog entry. But God............

Leaving point A at 9:25 am to get to point B by 9:30 am, I passed a table, with a "tented" brown leather book. As a librarian, dog-earing a page, or "tenting a book" to hold one's place is a no-no! So, I backtracked. I picked up the book, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young which was holding a place for today's date. There was my "tea" word and that one word was an affirmation for me-----today I was to blog......"mul-TEA-ply."
The Pharisees chose to "multiply" regulations to create their own form of godliness and lost sight of God. (Jesus Calling, 6/2) Even today man-made rules can enslave each of us when one's focus is on performance and not on knowing God.

For Christian bloggers, a worthy goal is to "shed the love of God abroad in our hearts " (Romans 5:5) that His word might spread and his disciples multiply and become obedient in the faith. (Acts 6:7) and For God's sake. His glory, not our own.

Several cuppas of mul-TEA-ply are available:

  • A pharisaical form of multiplying that focuses on "self." 
  • A God focused multiplying that brings Him glory.

I hope to choose the right brew so that "whatever I do in word or deed will be done in His name and to His glory." (Colossians 3:17) Today I chose to focus on Him and He led me to blog.

* Older Psalm 94:19 blog entires
Night Noises 3/9/11
Peaceful Meditation 4/2/12
Don't Doubt 6/19/12
"tenaci-TEA" 2/24/14

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