Monday, January 2, 2012

Dotsy's "Verse" Quandry

1/2/12 Yesterday's calendar box read, January 1. I know that's New Year's Day---but it certainly didn't feel like New Year's Day. There was no "Rose Parade"---a MUST for me. No big bowl games. I observed it with church attendance, a long afternoon nap and the requisite black-eyed peas. Yet, somehow the day was off-kilter for me.
New Year's Day is a time for selecting my year's verse, for selecting passages for Allen Bible Church and for organizing my prayer plan and starting a new journal. None of that got done.

Why not? I honestly don't know. Maybe my structure doesn't fit His plan for my new year. Maybe it's to be more about His ways than mine. More of Thee and less of me comes to mind.
With what shall I come to the Lord? (Micah 6:6a)

For today, I'm "trying on" Micah 6:8. If it fits, maybe it will become my year's verse.
He has told you, O man, what is good;
and for what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God? (ESV)
Just 3 aspects of life that are biggies in one's walk with God---justice, kindness, humility. Three infinitives, to do, to love and to walk---all requiring humility of spirit.

C. H. Spurgeon states, .....humility here prescribed involves constant communion with God (the preposition "with", speaks volumes to me)..... this humility implies constant activity (walking in humility is good spiritual exercise).....humility here prescribed implies constancy (it's continual, not just sometimes) and delightful confidence. (because "your" is the pronoun for "my" God) (Sermon #2328, 8/22/1889) Parenthetical additions are my THOTS. What are yours?

1 comment:

  1. You are the second person I know that has talked about a verse for the year. I've always gotten scriptures from Him about the season going on in my life instead. I think I'm going to ask the Lord if He has a year verse for me. Will see what He says. Thanks for posting about this. I love to learn more and more about walking with Him moment by moment. Thanks for being His encouragement to me. God bless you and yours!
    In His great and mighty love,
