This is the day the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
Today's verse in the Upper Room (which I try to read along with Daddy) is one of my favorites, Zephaniah 3:17 (between Habakkuk and Haggai---bet that helped a lot didn't it??
As a librarian, I commend the use of a Table of Contents, especially when they have a listing in alphabetical order.)
The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.
Maybe rejoice is the word of the day---I think I'll just rejoice quietly.
Today's My Utmost for His Highest said, Be in a state of expectancy---my marginalia was ----expectancy NOT expectation.
ReplyDeleteI just found out about your blog. What a wonderful witness you are! Wanted you to know that even people you have forgotten you knew are praying for you. Many from Hoptown.
I have lived in Memphis and my son lives there now, so I know it is a great place for medical advice and spiritual comfort.
Lynn Garnett Shepherd
Mrs Liles! This is Sophie Mitchell! Mrs Noble just told me about everything..I don't really know what to say other than I'm praying for you. And that I miss being your helper! I miss you! I love you Mrs Liles!
Dotsy, I told all my choir friends at CFBC about my sweet friend Dotsy and found out that some of them are also your friend! Do you have friends EVERYWHERE????? Just wanted you to know that both Jill and I appreciate the opportunity you gave her to work for you. I will be here to help her in anyway I can to see that your reference library runs the way you like it to run! Jill and I both pray for you every day! I miss you so much! Lunch Bunch is just not the same! I love you! Will write later! Karla