Monday, May 27, 2024


After the "Billboard Beckoned" on Saturday we spent some time in....

this sweet and savory place! My camera took over to supply me with scripture and thoughts to think and rethink. Meditation. More for others than self as needs are great for many people in my life who need to be covered with prayer.
For readers, choose one for your own Monday musing.
 The cardinal one is for my KY family and friends having gone through many trials as a result of storms during severe weather days.*
God is worth it all.....even the wait for the storms to pass.
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks him. (Lamentations 3:25)
In times of trouble it's good to remember to whom you belong.
All mine are yours, and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them.
(John 17:10)
Don't lose hope!


*....or at least muse for a moment until your electricity comes back on and your recliner works again.....and thanks for making me laugh!